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(Noted condition when access key never expires)
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| (Optional) Android intent type
| (Optional) Android intent type
= Management =
== POST hardware/display ==
Turn On/Off the display

Revision as of 13:05, 24 January 2014

Applies to: IAdea XMP-2200, XMP-2300 media appliances

You may push SMIL scripts and media files into a player using a REST API as documented below.


The REST API can be accessed via prefix


appended by API call. For example, for API

POST oauth2/token

the actual HTTP request should be sent to (device_ip) at port 8080, with content similar to:

POST /v2/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: (device_ip)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8



Before a remote client can access the player, it must authenticate itself by providing the access password set in the player.

POST oauth2/token

Request an access token for API calls.

Input (Multi-part form)

Parameter Function
grant_type Must be the string "password"
username User name requesting access
password Password

Output (JSON)

Parameter Function
access_token Authorization token for further API access
token_type Always "Bearer"
expires_in Number of seconds before access_token expires. If this field is returned as an empty string, then the access token does not expire.

Media Transfer

POST files/new

Create a file under http://(device_ip):8080/user-data download path

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
downloadPath Path of file, must start with prefix /user-data/
data (Optional) File encoded in multipart/form-data
fileSize (Required except when data is provided) Size of file; if provided file can be uploaded in separate chunks
etag (Optional) User-supplied unique string for version identification; default empty string
mimeType (Optional) MIME type of the file; default empty string
modifiedDate (Optional) ISO8601-encoded date time string indicating modified date time; default empty string

Output (JSON)

FileResource structure:

Parameter Function
id String for identifying the file in subsequent operations
downloadPath Path of file to append after http://(device_ip):8080
fileSize Size of file
etag Unique string for version identification
mimeType MIME type of the file
modifiedDate ISO8601-encoded date time string indicating modified date time; default empty string
transferredSize Size uploaded into the player
completed Boolean (true or false) indicating whether file upload has completed

GET files/(id)

Get file information



Output (JSON)

FileResource structure

POST files/(id)

Modify a file, may be used to complete an interrupted file transfer operation

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
seek (Optional) Offset from beginning of file to replace data. Default 0
data (Optional) File encoded in multipart/form-data
downloadPath Path of file, must start with prefix /user-data/
etag (Optional) User-supplied unique string for version identification; default empty string
mimeType (Optional) MIME type of the file; default empty string
modifiedDate (Optional) ISO8601-encoded date time string indicating modified date time; default empty string

Output (JSON)

FileResource structure

POST files/find

List files on the system

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
maxResults (Optional) Max number of file records to return
pageToken (Optional) Continuation record
query (Optional) Reserved

Output (JSON)

Parameter Function
nextPageToken null of an identifier for report continuation
items Array of FileResource structures

POST files/delete

Delete a file

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
id ID string of file returned by files/new

Output (JSON)


GET (downloadPath)

Retrieve a file


POST app/exec

Play content once

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
uri Location of content. May be http://localhost:8080/user-data/...
packageName (Optional) Android package to launch
className (Optional) Android class name
action (Optional) Android action
type (Optional) Android intent type
extras (Optional) Array of Android intent extra parameters

Output (JSON)

Parameter Function
uri Location of content. May be http://localhost:8080/user-data/...
packageName (Optional) Android package to launch
className (Optional) Android class name
action (Optional) Android action
type (Optional) Android intent type

POST app/start

Set default content to play each time player boots up

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
uri Location of content. May be http://localhost:8080/user-data/...
packageName (Optional) Android package to launch
className (Optional) Android class name
action (Optional) Android action
type (Optional) Android intent type
extras (Optional) Array of Android intent extra parameters

Output (JSON)

Parameter Function
uri Location of content. May be http://localhost:8080/user-data/...
packageName (Optional) Android package to launch
className (Optional) Android class name
action (Optional) Android action
type (Optional) Android intent type

POST app/switch

Switch to play default content

Input (JSON or multi-part form)

Parameter Function
access_token Access token returned from oauth2/token
mode Set to "start" to play default content
ifModifiedSince (Optional) Switch to content if it is modified after this ISO8601 date/time

Output (JSON)

Parameter Function
uri Location of content. May be http://localhost:8080/user-data/...
packageName (Optional) Android package to launch
className (Optional) Android class name
action (Optional) Android action
type (Optional) Android intent type


POST hardware/display

Turn On/Off the display