A-SMIL players support configuring a "Content Source" URL which is loaded at boot time (see "Pull mode" for general usage). To make a SMIL player play from a Media RSS feed, simply set up a dynamic script (.aspx, .php, etc.) that takes a Media RSS feed and outputs SMIL, then point your SMIL player to the dynamic script.
One way to convert a media RSS feed into a SMIL feed is to use the PHP 5 XPath library.
This is only intended for illustration. While this is a convenient way to generate SMIL, this is bad for if you intend to scale. See Best Practice: Checking for Updates for a scalable method to convert live feeds into SMIL.
<?php $result = ''; $doc = new DOMDocument(); if( $doc->load('') ) // place your feed here { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace("media", ""); $nodes = $xpath->query('//media:content', $doc); $ttlnode= $xpath->query('/rss/channel/ttl', $doc); $result .= '<smil><head>' .'<layout><root-layout width="1280" height="720"/>' .'</layout><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="' .$ttlnode->item(0)->textContent * 60 .'"/></head>' ."<body><seq repeatCount=\"indefinite\">\r\n" ; foreach( $nodes as $node ) { $result .= "\t<img src=\"" . $node->attributes->getNamedItem('url') ->textContent . "\" dur=\"" . $node->attributes->getNamedItem('duration') ->textContent . "\" />\r\n" ; } $result .= '</seq></body></smil>' ; } header( 'Content-Type: application/smil' ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $result ) ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache' ); echo $result; ?>
- Checking for Updates without restarting playback
- Pull mode for SMIL
- SMIL transport
- SMIL connectivity